Local Infiltration Analgesia

Local Infiltration Analgesia: A Technique to Improve Outcomes after Hip, Knee or Lumbar Spine Surgery by Dennis R. Kerr (Editor)
The concept of integrating pain management into the surgical process as a single entity is new and exciting. The use of local anaesthetic to block post-operative pain at the site of its generation is here refined into a management program allowing early mobilisation and dramatic pain control in the early post-operative period.

This multimodal technique is demonstrated here with application to lower limb arthroplasty and spinal surgery. This is not only a detailed explanation and instruction in the technique and concept, but a historical perspective on its development, and will be of great interest to all orthopaedic surgeons as well as anaesthetists.

Using easy-to-understand terminology, this text covers:
– LIA methods
– Pre- and postoperative management
– How to select a needle injection location
– The benefits of combining the LIA technique with the drugs Naropin, Marcain, and Xylocaine
Color images throughout the text highlight the advantages of LIA, including:
– avoidance of sedation
– simple execution for physicians
– reduced risk of infection and blood clots
– little physiological disturbance
– earlier patient discharge and return to the workforce
– improved patient performance, outlook, and mobility
– fewer medical expenses

2012 | ISBN: 1138402699

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